Cerebras Systems Eyes Late 2024 IPO, Challenging Nvidia's AI Chip Dominance

Weekly Edition & Stock Spotlight

July 17, 2024

Hill Chart Shape

ApeVue50 Index & Sectors YTD Performance

Most Active Names Performance

Data as of July 8, 2024

* Price (USD) estimated based on secondary market activity observed by ApeVue. Valuation is estimated based on said price and share count from state filings and/or news in the public domain. Note that share count in calculations may change as new filing documents are obtained.

ApeVue50 Privates versus Public Benchmarks/ETFs





Public v. Private (12mo)

The ApeVue50 tracks the performance of the 50 most active private names observed in the secondary market. It is an equal-weighted index, rebalanced on a monthly basis.

This rebalancing of constituents over time gives way for more active names to participate in what we observe as "market performance," and in a more appropriate manner than static selections and weightings criteria.



Stock Spotlight - Cerebras Systems

AI Manufacturing

Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Andrew Feldman

Cerebras Systems is AI hardware manufacturing company that builds a computer system, designed from first principles for the singular goal of accelerating AI and changing the future of AI work. Cerebras' CS-3 system is powered by the Wafer Scale Engine 3 (WSE-3).

CS-3: A Revolution in AI Infrastructure



  • Cluster-scale compute in a single device
  • Delivers answers in minutes or hours that would take days, weeks, or longer on large multi-rack clusters of legacy, general purpose processors
  • Delivers performance gains in a more space and power efficient package
  • Easy to deploy, operate, and maintain in datacenter
  • Connects to surrounding infrastructure over 12x standard 100 Gigabit Ethernet links
  • Converts standard TCP-IP traffic into Cerebras protocol at full line rate to feed the WSE-3’s 900,000 cores





Prominent News

Cerebras Breaks Exascale Record for Molecular Dynamics Simulations, May 17, 2024 - Cerebras has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in molecular dynamics simulation speed, surpassing the exascale threshold by a significant margin. Click here to read more.
Hold on: World's fastest AI chip will massively accelerate AI progress,  March 17, 2024 - Cerebras Systems has introduced a groundbreaking AI chip called the Wafer Scale Engine 3 (WSE-3), which powers their CS-3 AI supercomputer, boasting an impressive peak performance of 125 petaFLOPS. The CS-3 packs 900,000 AI cores along with 44 GB of on-chip SRAM. With its theoretical peak AI performance of 125 petaFLOPS, the CS-3 could potentially rank among the world's top 10 supercomputers. Click here to read more.
UAE's G42 launches open source Arabic language AI model, August 30, 2023 - Cerebras Systems has collaborated with Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence and a subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi-based tech conglomerate G42 to release advanced Arabic language software called "Jais" that can power generative AI applications. Click here to read more.

Cerebras Systems' Financial Data


Return on Investment (ROI)

ROI computed as of July 8, 2024.



Series F-1 Valuation

<span class="date">2024-06-06</span>
<span class="value">$2.98B</span>



Implied Valuation

<span class="date">2024-07-08</span>
<span class="value">$6.08B</span>



Change Since Last Round

<span class="date">2024-06-06 → 2024-07-08</span>

<span class="value green">+104.02%</span>



Funding Round in USD

Monthly Bid:Ask Volume Ratio

ApeVue highlights the monthly bid:ask volume ratio where there was at least three institutionally-sized broker contributions within that period. ApeVue did not observe activity for Cerebras Systems pre-2024.

The number of broker contributions has steadily increased since the start of 2024. On January of 2024, all of Cerebras Systems' broker contributions was on the bid-side. Ask volume ratio peaked at 86% in March of 2024.

90D Activity

Activity at each date is the total unique broker contributions within the last 90 days of that date. Cerebras Systems' secondary market activity is trending upward reaching 50 unique contributions on June 26, 2024 and stands at 44 as of July 8th, 2024.


The volatility of the composite price is calculated based on the movement over the previous 90 days. Cerebras' volatility has been increasing and reached 23.44% on June 23, 2024. As of July 8, 2024, its volatility stands at 20%.

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