ApeVue 2024 August in ReVue

Institutional secondary market-driven data insights covering a universe of private venture-backed companies.

September 5, 2024

Hill Chart Shape

ApeVue50 Index & Sectors YTD Performance

Return On Investment (ROI) from January 02, 2024 until August 31, 2024

ApeVue50 Privates versus Public Benchmarks/ETFs



Indices from January 02, 2024 until August 31, 2024



Public v. Private (12mo)

The ApeVue50 tracks the performance of the 50 most active private names observed in the secondary market. It is an equal-weighted index, rebalanced on a monthly basis.

This rebalancing of constituents over time gives way for more active names to participate in what we observe as "market performance," and in a more appropriate manner than static selections and weightings criteria.



Private Market: Sector Level

|| Sector-level analysis for August, 2024

ApeVue50 index was up 2.03% with volatility of its ROI at 6%.

Neobank had the highest increase in ROI at 9.36% with volatility at 44%.

Analytics had the highest decrease in ROI at 4.23% with volatility at 14%.

Banking had the highest volatility of its ROI at 58%.

Entertainment had the lowest volatility of its ROI at 5%.

MoM Return on Investment (ROI) for August

Volatility of ROI

The volatility of ROI is calculated based on the movement over the previous 90 days i.e. between July 3, 2024 and August 31, 2024.

Total Bid and Ask Volume and Ratio in August

The plot below shows the total bid and ask volume and their ratio within each sector for selected companies with significant activities.

36% of ApeVue50's observed total volume of $3.2B was from bids.

Data sector had the highest bid volume ratio at 93% of the total $208.7M.

Blockchain and DeFi sectors had the highest ask volume ratio at 99% of the total $67.6M.

Mean Bid to Ask Spread in August

The plot below shows the mean bid to ask spread within each sector for selected companies with significant activities.

ApeVue50's mean bid to ask spread was 11.5%.

Blockchain & DeFi sectors had the highest mean bid to ask spread at 39.1%.

Entertainment sector had the lowest mean bid to ask spread at 5.8%.



Monthly Statistics

ApeVue highlights monthly statistics from January, 2021 until August, 2024.

Monthly ApeVue50 ROI

The plot below displays ApeVue50's monthly ROI. ApeVue50's had the highest ROI at 16.26% in January 2021, and the lowest ROI at -10.5% in June 2022.

In August 2024, ApeVue50's ROI was up by 2.03%.

Monthly Institutional Level Activity

The plot below shows the number of institutional level ($1M+) Bid, Ask, or Trade contributions on a monthly basis.

July 2024 had the highest activity with 799 contributions with a volume over $1M.

There were 301 unique institutional-level broker contributions in August 2024.

Monthly Total Bid and Ask Volume

The plot below displays the sum of bid and ask volume on a monthly basis, as observed by ApeVue.

March 2023 had the highest total volume at $18.87B.

December 2021 had the lowest total volume at $1.98B.

August 2024 had a total volume of $4.42B, significantly lower than July 2024's $10.40B total volume.

Monthly Bid and Ask Volume Ratio

The plot below displays the ratio of bid and ask volume on a monthly basis.

January 2021 had the highest ratio of bids at 61.07% of the total volume $2.79B.

May 2021 had the highest ratio of offers at 94.40% of the total volume $10.65B.

August 2024 had 33.84% of the total volume $4.42B from bids.

Monthly Mean Bid and Ask Spread

The plot below displays the mean bid to ask spread on a monthly basis.

January 2023 had the highest mean bid to ask spread at 19.42%.

July 2021 had the lowest mean bid to ask spread at 5.46%.

August 2024 had a moderate mean bid to ask spread at 12.11%.

Mean Volume per Indication Type

In 2024 average indication sizes peaked at $18.65M during June.  

Asks: In 2021 the average offer was $25.73M, and the yearly average has dropped dramatically to ~$10M between 2022 and 2024.

Bids: Similarly, the average bid in 2021 was higher than the following years. The average bid volume ranged from $6.93M to $33.59M in 2021, $6.08M to $30.77M in 2022, $8.28M to $16.92M in 2023, and $6.52M to $17.08M in 2024.

Trades: Trades volumes have been quite volatile, with lowest average volume of $1.00M seen on August of 2024 and highest average volume of $39M seen on June of 2021.

Proportion of Change in Valuation

93% of companies in ApeVue’s universe traded higher during their latest round compared to the previous round.

On the other hand, 61% of companies are trading at a discount versus their most recent round, and only 39% managed positive returns there, pointing to a ways to go to recovering some of the investments made in the heady days of 2021.

Change in Composite Price (MoM)

ApeVue highlights the top five and bottom five companies with significant activities in terms of change in composite price between July 31, 2024 and August 31, 2024.

Revolut had the highest increase in composite price from $441.41 to $651.75.

Whoop had the highest decrease in composite price from $2.22 to $1.73.

Change in Total Bid and Ask Volume (MoM)

ApeVue highlights the top five and bottom five companies with significant activities in terms of change in total bid and ask volume between July and August of 2024.

Whoop had the highest increase in volume from $22.95M to $78.00M.

Lambda Labs had the highest decrease in volume from $167.33M to $21.68M.

Most Active Names Performance

Data as of August 31, 2024

* Price (USD) estimated based on secondary market activity observed by ApeVue. Valuation is estimated based on said price and share count from state filings and/or news in the public domain. Note that share count in calculations may change as new filing documents are obtained.

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